Final Year Project Ideas – Energy saving in residential and commercial buildings of Peshawar as a resource
Consuldents has aimed to continuously highlight final year project ideas (FYP) and to ensure that we create a grass root innovation repository. Today, we would like to highlight the final year project idea of Adeed and Shoaib Khan, students of Urban infrastructure Engineering and supervised by Muhammad Adil.
Final Year Project Idea Background
By looking at the energy statistics of Pakistan, almost 70-80 % of our energy supply is being wasted. Much of this waste is recoverable by deploying energy efficiency, energy conservation, and waste heat recovery measures. An MW saved is an MW generated, however, this savings can be achieved at a fractional cost as compared to installing additional generation capacity.
The first step to realize these savings is conducting an energy audit. The Energy Conservation Measures thus suggested can easily save 5% to 30% of the Energy bill. This is an immediate profit for the industry and immediate saving on the fuel bill for the government. To institutionalize the practice of Energy Audits, the successful model used by US DOE is suggested. US DOE has established Industrial Assessment Centers (IACs) across a few dozen universities across the USA.
Faculty and students from these IACs conduct energy audits for industry and suggest energy conservation measures. It is recommended to start up such a practice of setting up IACS in the universities of Pakistan. As a first step this proposal is presented to set up Center for Industrial and Building Energy Audits (CIBEA) at University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan. The practice will provide immediate savings to the industry and government.
Final Year Project Idea Deliverable
S.No | Project Objectives | Significance of outcome | Deliverables |
1 | Reducing Energy Consumption by
Energy Audits |
The audited industries and buildings will be given written reports on energy audits including suggestions to improve energy efficiency | 3 industrial energy audits will be conducted for the local industry. The report for each audit will be complete before month 12, month 18 and month 24.
3 building energy audits will be conducted. The report for each audit will be complete before month 12, month 18 and month 24. |
2 | Human Resource Development in
Energy Audits |
The MSc Students and PhD
students will be asked to take the Pakistan Certified Energy Manager Exam and the Pakistan LEED exam or equivalent. |
2 Certified Energy Managers
2 LEED-certified engineers will be available after the project |
3 | Developing Database of Industrial and Building Energy Consumption | Over the years this center will develop a database of energy usage patterns by KPK Industry and Buildings. | At the end of the 2-year program, the database will have complete energy information for 3 industries and 3 buildings. The entries for each audit will be complete before month 12, month 18 and month 24. |
4 | Creating Awareness about Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency | The industry will become more aware of energy efficiency best practices | 1 full day workshop per year
will be conducted with industrial participants. • 1 awareness seminar per the semester will be conducted for the students. At the end of 2 years, there will be a total of 4 seminars conducted. |
You can reach out Adeed @
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