Study of Eggshell Powder as Partial Replacement with Cement in Concrete
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Have you ever thought that how we throw away the eggshell without thinking for a minute that everything created by Lord in this world is valuable and can be used away? Today, almost nobody pays heed to the importance of little things in our life. However, there are the innovative minds who think toward this too as the students of Chemical Engineering department at Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro Aqib, Junaid Ahmed, Fahad Muhammad, Muhammad Shezan and Hamza are working on project to use eggshell powder as partial replacement with cement in concrete.
As, we all know that cement prices are surging day by day resultantly, the cost of constructions and housing, one of the important in our daily life, is also rapidly increasing nowadays, so in this scenario, this idea will really be beneficial for the construction industry.
The inventors of this idea describe their motive behind the project as “The cost of construction can be controlled by controlling any of its basic materials. To achieve this aim we tried to replace the cement by Eggshell powder in concrete construction. The results of compressive strength show that it is possible to replace the costly cement by economical eggshells. It is not only economical but also efficient and environmentally friendly.”
They have investigated the practicality of eggshells in concrete blocks. The eggshells were crushed and used as a fine concrete aggregate. Through the testing, total of 9 cubes was made and put through the testing. The concrete blocks containing the waste eggshells were compared to the standard concrete blocks. The testing result showed the decline in strength of the concrete blocks with eggshells. But the students are hopeful that they can still be considered equivalent to that of the lightweight concrete. The experiment was done into three proportions. The proportions were 0%, 5%, 10% And the experiments were carried out on UTM (Universal Testing Machine).
This project is being supervised by Prof. Shaheen Aziz.