What’s common between Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates
Jobs: They all created fantastic products while at school
It is interesting to note that all three of them were students when they made their revolutionary products that took the world by storm. Now, we are not in any way hinting that students should drop their education halfway but what these people accomplished highlights that there is plenty of talent out there in academia which, if combined with industry knowledge, can bring fantastic new products and innovations on the horizon.
Why students are better innovators? We highlight some reasons as follows:
No routine to follow:
Picasso once said that every child is born an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist when we grow up. When we grow up, we kill all our artistic energies by following a set routine. Drive to office, work at office, home chores, diapers, groceries, weekend shopping, everything we do is all set in a routine that takes away much of our innovative streak. Once someone gets into a professional life, he/she is too busy running everyday operations to come up with anything new.
Students in comparison don’t settle for a set routine, have more creative space to express themselves and are enthusiastic about taking their ideas to the next level. For students, it is easier to think outside the box as they haven’t been in the box to begin with.
Passion is inversely correlated to our ages. As we age, we lose passion. But it is what sets anyone apart from the rest of the pack. Ask any industry professional where they want to see themselves in ten years and many of them will respond by saying they want to see themselves with a bigger car, a bigger house and with a better job. We rarely meet people who are fifty years or older and claim that they are determined to create the next revolutionary product. Students, on the other hand, don’t crave for stability, don’t fear losing and are in a much better position to put everything on the line for what they are passionate about.
Open to Risks and Challenges:
No matter what people say, people don’t like change. Anybody who tries to break the norm is generally considered as an inconvenience. An unconventional idea or an unorthodox vision is not something everyone understands right away. It is not important if a big vision turns out to be a huge success but even if it does not go as planned, one should never have to live with the regret of not trying. When it comes to students pursuing an idea, it seems they are on a mission to get it done, despite people telling them they are wasting their time and energy. Some may even call them dreamers and their visions a fantasy. Their loved ones will tell them to wake up from their slumber and get a real job but they will persist. They will stay hungry and they will stay foolish!
Consuldents believe that students (undergraduate, graduate and doctoral) from top academic programs can work alongside industry professionals to propel growth and innovation. You would be surprised of your collaboration with Consuldents. They will impress you with their unique ideas, technical knowledge, passion and persistent spirit.
Whether you are a startup trying to create next disruptive technology or a small medium enterprise looking to execute your project in a budget friendly manner, our top-notch student consultants will ensure that you optimize on your project outcomes. What’s more, you collaborate on a secure, world class platform, giving you peace of mind while making the entire process fun and exciting.
For us, connecting the young minds of today with the forward-thinking companies of tomorrow will always be a celebration of talent and enthusiasm, the courage to answer difficult questions and the obsession to turn what we don’t understand into the next big thing.